Adventures In Crypto Land: Your Weekly Dive into the Digital Frontier

Sam Morris
8 min readJun 21, 2024


Sam Morris — Issue #8

Happy Friday, crypto connoisseurs! 🚀 Are you ready for this week’s lowdown?

So, what’s today’s jam? 😄

  • Chainlink: a sleeping giant?
  • Australia’s $BTC ETF
  • How to start your own crypto community
  • Are you ready to achieve financial freedom?

So, grab a brew, and let’s get slurping! 🫸

Chainlink x Swift

Is Chainlink a sleeping giant?

I think so. And their partnership with Swift is a damn good reason why. Its innovational CCIP has already gained institutional adoption thanks to its partnership with Swift.

What other projects have achieved this?

So, what are we looking at here?

The old guard merging with the new kids on the block.

The image shows the integration of traditional finance with blockchain tech. Using Swift’s infrastructure and Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP). It’s a marriage to celebrate.

Why? Because we have a real crypto use case ready to explode.

Let’s go deeper…

Swift is the infrastructure of traditional finance.

Traditional finance needs blockchain (tokenisation). By utilising Links CCIP, TradFi has an easy, low-cost solution to connect with blockchains. Banks can use their SWIFT infrastructure as a future-proof single entry point to tokenised assets.

And every transaction will require a payment in $LINK 🚀.

Australia Joins The ETF Party

As of June 20, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASI) has its own $BTC ETF.

The Aussie VanEck Bitcoin ETF does not directly own Bitcoin. Instead, it operates as a feeder fund, investing in the US-listed VanEck Bitcoin Trust (HODL), which debuted in January 2024. This structure allows Australian investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin through a regulated investment vehicle without directly holding their own Bitcoin bags.

We’ll be tracking the inflows over the coming days.

$BTC ETFs Are Trending (again)

The launch of the VanEck Bitcoin ETF follows a global trend of increasing interest in crypto ETFs.

Several Bitcoin ETFs have been introduced since early 2024 in the United States, attracting billions of dollars in investments. Hong Kong launched six cryptocurrency funds in April 2024, although investor interest there has been more subdued than the US. With interest in $BTC growing, we’ll likely see more popping up globally.

Go Aussies!

Australia’s Digitial Asset Future

Will we see more?

The market for crypto ETFs in Australia is expected to expand, with potential introductions of physically backed funds for other digital assets like Ethereum (ETH). The US SEC has already accepted preliminary applications for $ETH, indicating a broader trend towards diversified crypto investment products.

Traditional finance is finally accepting us crypto creeps!

Start Your Own Crypto Fam

Feeling your love for crypto is all one-sided?

Create your very own crypto community. Forget crypto X (Twitter), get offline and create your real-life crypto family in a coffee shop nearby. It helps spread the crypto word and gives you a circle of people who don’t roll their eyes whenever you mention Bitcoin.

Let us show you how…

1. Define Your Meetup’s Purpose and Goals

  • Identify the Focus: Determine what your crypto meetup will focus on, such as Bitcoin, blockchain technology, or general crypto discussions.
  • Set Clear Goals: Decide what you want to achieve with your meetup. This could be networking, education, or community building.

2. Choose a Name and Register Your Group

  • Pick a Name: Choose a simple and clear name that reflects your group's core.
  • Register on Create your group on and fill out the necessary details, including the group’s purpose and description.

3. Plan Your First Event

  • Select a Venue: Choose a location that is accessible and suitable for your event. If needed, this could be a bar, cafe, coworking space, or even a virtual platform.
  • Schedule the Event: Plan the date and time, ensuring it doesn’t conflict with major events or holidays. Announce your event at least 3–4 weeks to give people time to plan.

4. Promote Your Meetup

  • Use Social Media: Leverage platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to spread the word and engage with local crypto communities online.
  • Local Outreach: Visit local businesses, email them, and ask them to promote your event. Attend other meetups and ask for shoutouts.
  • Tools: Use Meetup’s built-in tools to email members and promote your event. Meetup will also notify local members about new groups and events.

5. Prepare for the Event

  • Create an Agenda: Plan the structure of your event. Include time for networking, introductions, and any planned activities or speakers.
  • Gather Supplies: Bring name tags, markers, and any other materials needed for the event. If hosting online, ensure your tech setup is ready.

6. Host the Event

  • Welcome Attendees: Greet attendees as they arrive, help them make name tags, and introduce them to others.
  • Icebreakers and Introductions: Start with icebreakers to help people get to know each other. Allow time for everyone to introduce themselves.
  • Engage the Group: Facilitate discussions, presentations, or activities that align with your meetup’s goals. Ensure everyone has a chance to participate.

7. Follow Up

  • Thank Attendees: Send a thank-you message to everyone who attended. Include any important follow-up information or announcements about future events.
  • Gather Feedback: Ask for feedback to improve future meetups. This can be done through a survey or informal conversations.
  • Plan the Next Event: Use the feedback to plan your next meetup, keeping the momentum going and continuously improving the experience.

By following these steps, you can create a successful and engaging crypto meetup that fosters community and knowledge sharing, boom!

Achieve Financial Freedom

Make retirement early.

Anyone can achieve financial freedom with crypto. It’s work. But with some capital, education, and appetite for risk, you can create a better financial future for yourself.

It doesn’t come easy, but let’s give you some starting blocks.

Educate Yourself on Blockchain Fundamentals

Get to know how things work.

Blockchain is the backbone of crypto. It is a decentralised, distributed ledger that records transactions across many computers so the record cannot be changed, ensuring transparency and security.

Teach yourself all there is.

Importance of Blockchain in Crypto

Blockchain technology underpins the entire crypto ecosystem.

It ensures transactions are secure, transparent, and tamper-proof. Knowing how blockchain works will help you decide which tokens to invest in and why. Learn and make your money.


Resources for Learning

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera offer courses on blockchain fundamentals.
  • Books: “Blockchain Basics” by Daniel Drescher is a great starting point.
  • Websites: Many websites like IBM provide detailed tutorials and articles on blockchain technology.

Start with Small, Regular Investments

DCA every payday.

Dollar-cost averaging is a strategy in which you invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the asset’s price. This method helps mitigate the impact of volatility and reduces the risk of making poor investment decisions. It’s a slow burner, but…

It’s a proven long-term gainer.

Benefits of Starting Small

  • Risk Management: Investing in small amounts reduces the risk of big losses.
  • Learning Curve: It allows you to learn and adapt without risking large sums of money.
  • Consistency: Regular investments help build a disciplined approach to investing.

Practical Steps

  • Set a Budget: Determine how much you can afford to invest regularly without affecting your financial stability.
  • Choose a Platform: Use reputable exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken.
  • Automate Investments: Set up automatic purchases to ensure consistency.

Have Patience and a Long-Term Mindset

Bitcoin meditations?

Crypto markets are highly volatile in the short term but have shown growth over the long term. Adopting a long-term perspective helps you avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements. Be a HODLer.

But remember altcoins come and go, don’t be left HODLing the bags to $0.

Diversify Your Crypto Portfolio Wisely

Spread to the crust of the bread!

Diversification helps move risk across multiple assets, reducing the impact of a poor-performing investment on your overall portfolio. It allows you to take advantage of different market trends and growth opportunities. Remember to keep your eye on the prize and have exit strategies in place.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are probably the only tokens guaranteed not to go belly up; be careful out there.

How to Diversify

  • Research and Analysis: Understand various cryptocurrencies' unique features, use cases, and market potential.
  • Assess Risk Tolerance: Determine your comfort level with risk and choose assets accordingly.
  • Allocate Wisely: Invest in a mix of well-known cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum and some promising gems.

Not financial advice.

Achieving freedom with crypto requires a well-informed and disciplined approach. By educating yourself, starting with small, regular investments, maintaining patience and a long-term mindset, and diversifying your portfolio, you can navigate the volatile crypto market and work towards financial independence.

Congratulations on taking the first steps to building your finances with crypto.

Incoming Rockets: Events To Wet Your Whistle

This is where we near the finish line with all the latest and greatest incoming crypto events and important dates.

Be sure to mark your calendar.

Let’s go…

🚀 Upcoming Crypto Events

Bitcoin 2024

  • Date: July 24, 2024
  • Location: Nashville, Tennessee
  • Description: A major conference dedicated to Bitcoin featuring keynotes, panels, and networking opportunities.

Blockchain Expo Europe 2024

  • Date: October 1–2, 2024
  • Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Description: A comprehensive event covering blockchain, IoT, AI, and big data, focusing on enterprise solutions.

🚀 Important Dates

  • XXXX, 24: Potential rate cuts by the FED????

A Tip For Your Merry Way

Create an exit strategy.

Research, learn, and create your crypto exit. Maybe you are holding $BTC for the long term, but if you have altcoins, you must write down the prices you want to sell. DCA in and DCA out.

Don’t watch your bags go up and down.

Question Of The Week

At what price do you think $BTC will close the week?

Share your answers in the comments.

Thanks for stopping by and reading the ‘Adventures In Crypto Land’ weekly digest. We will post like this every week, covering all the latest and shiniest crypto news. Be sure to hit follow and share with your foes.

Stay SAFU.


☀️ 🌈 🚀

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on X and LinkedIn for up-to-date crypto goodness.



Sam Morris

I ghostwrite educational email courses for the crypto industry. Not your keys—not your 🏠.